Join us in Cuba as we explore one of the last communist countries in the world and all the secrets it holds. FTF wants to take you from Havana to Vinales to Cienfuegos and back (secret bars built into caves and restaurants lit by candlelight). Explore tobacco plantations and the secrets to making a world class cigar.
Explore the countryside and have meals from around the island and with local families. From Hemingway's home to the dance floors in Havana, be prepared to see Cuba the FTF way.
Our tours involve FTF people on the ground guiding you alongside locals. Our Cuba Journey involves a long term FTF partner who will enable you to see the hidden parts of the country most wont ever be able to see. When you call or email us we will work with you and your group to design a bespoke tour that fits your goals, allows us to show you our work, and leaves you with memories to last a lifetime.
Call John Heers at 239-687-6469 or email him at johnheers@first-things.org to start planning the best trip you’ve never heard of!
Day 1: Havana
Everyone arrives in Cuba and FTF gets you settled in for the night.
Explore Havana, change some money, and get prepared for the Journey to begin.
Day 2: Old Havana
Take a walking tour of Old Havana and visit the Presidential Palace along with the local Cathedral.
Receive salsa lessons from local pros and later on visit the local Cuban music bars and dance he night away.
Day 3: Vinales and Moncada
Spend some time in the gorgeous Marina Hemingway along with Mariel.
Later on spend some time exploring the Harlem Sugar Mill and Moncada Community.
Day 4: Vinales and Moncada
Visit and relax at the Cuban Kibbutz in Moncada.
Travel to Vinales and see the hype behind Cuban cigars by touring a tobacco plantation.
Day 5: Bay of Pigs and Cienfuegos
Treat yourself to an authentic Cuban meal at the Bay of Pigs: Puerco Asado.
Later see Cienfuegos by night as we ring in the New Year Cuban style with dancing, great food, cigars, and fireworks!
Day 6: Cienfuegos and Trinidad
Receive a tour of Cienfuegos and visit the famous Tomas Terry Teatro.
Explore Trinidad (a UNESCO World Heritage site) and its colonial architecture along with bustling market.
Day 7: Havana
Spend your final days near Havana seeing Cojimar (the inspiration for Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea) and Cristo de la Havana.
Have a relaxing evening touring the gorgeous botanical gardens.
Day 8: Farewells and Goodbyes
Enjoy one last meal with the crew then get ready to head back.
Say farewells and allow FTF to escort you to the airport and a safe journey home.
We are able to run tours year round.
Get a group together and contact us to set up your next journey.
Cost: $1,699 plus round-trip airfare
The cost covers transportation, rooms, two meals a day, and loads of unique cultural events across a week or more.
John Heers: 239-687-6469 | johnheers@first-things.org
Daniel Padrnos: danielpadrnos@first-things.org
“I want to start out by saying that my trip to Cuba was the most amazing trip that I have ever taken… [it] was nothing short of amazing. In addition we met people that will impact our lives forever.” - Dottie
“Visiting El Moncada, the cave, and the Keipi dinner were all highlights of the trip for me. That village has a very special energy, and I loved our time there… [and] transportation should always be in old town cars with fabulous drivers like ours! They made the trip really fun and added a personal touch.” - Sarah
“Working with you & Karolina was absolutely a highlight! I don't want to come back without you guys! Definitely going to Moncada and spending time with the people there (more if possible). Such a special place.” - Rachel